
Cuba newsticker

That little has changed in Cuba comes as no surprise. Evidence of this inertia can be found in the words of Fidel Castro that have just appeared at Znet (why it gives Castro a forum, I do not know, nor appreciate) : “I did not arrive in just a minute at what I am thinking today about power, but I consider that this is a matter of consistent thinking. I attribute the modest contribution of our Revolution to the fact that our responses to questions have never regressed, despite the harsh reality imposed upon us by the empire’s brutal blockade.”

“The everyday Cuban lives in poverty and with little hope of improving unless there’s a change of system, as happened in Russia and Eastern Europe. It is forbidden to leave the country and even traveling from a city to another puts you under surveillance. It is forbidden to criticize Castro as he represents the government, national sovereignty, the economy etc. Any criticism is very dangerous and after a stern warning you can be thrown in prison if you persist, accused of counterrevolution.”
Moviemento Libertario Cuba

Is there any hope then? If we can believe
Dalia Acosta of IPSnews, there is some hope for us...

“An intense debate on Cuba’s cultural policy broke out early this year among intellectuals and academics, initially in the form of an ongoing email conversation. Unlike the wall of silence that surrounded sensitive cultural issues in the past, Cuba has begun to open up to public discussions on questions like violence against women, the rights of sexual minorities, and the problems facing vulnerable groups.”
Dalia Acosta